Mensagem de felicitações

CONGRATULATIONS MESSAGE ONE HIS HIGHNESS MOHAMED BIN ZAYED BIN SULTAN AL-NAHYAN PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES                                                                                   Highness, on behalf of the Executive and myself, I have the honor to congratulate Your Highness on your recent appointment as President of the United Arab Emirates. I am sure of you that the choice will be crucial for the continuity of the approved policies for your well-being so that, at your choice, which the last United Arabs fell before, follow the path of modernity and under progress, follow your lead. in all fundamental areas of national life. to develop and that we initiate in this sense of progress the efforts to develop and to propose the best that our efforts to develop, insofar as we propose to improve the efforts to develop, insofar as we provide to improve the advantages of the Republic from Angola and the United Arab Emirates. Please accept, Your Highness, my best wishes for much success and good health in the performance of your duties as President of the United Arab Emirates.

João Manuel Goncalves Lourenço President of the Republic of Angola

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